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Current version: 3.1

Z88transfer is a graphical utility to transfer files between a PC and a Z88 computer, an old but great 8-bit portable computer from Clive Sinclair. Z88transfer has been written in Python and uses PyGTK. It was originally designed to work under Linux, but now works under Windows too, and should work under MacOS X with very little (if any) modifications.

It's main advantage over other programs is that it can import and export transparently from Abiword or RTF format to Pipedream, and vice-versa, during the transfer itself. This is: if you send an Abiword/RTF file from your PC, your Z88 will receive it converted to PipeDream format, and if you send a PipeDream file from your Z88, your PC will reveive it converted to Abiword/RTF format. This allows you to work directly with all your files, without worrying about having to convert it to and from PipeDream format.

It can emulate foreign characters (like á, ñ and so on) from an english keyboard too, and convert them into true characters when the file is exported to Abiword. This is called "Pseudotranslation".

Currently it fully supports the EAZYLINK, PCLINK and IMP-EXPORT protocols.

Z88transfer is written with Python and PyGTK, so you need both (and PySerial) in order to work with it.


Package in .zip format (370 Kbytes)

Package in .tar.bz2 format (373 Kbytes)

History of versions