Panther Launcher

Versión actual: 1.13.1

Panther Launcher es un fork de Slingshot Launcher. Su principal diferencia es que no depende de Gala, Granite u otras bibliotecas no disponibles en distribuciones comunes de LInux. También está portado a Autovala, lo que simplifica su compilado. Por último, incluye un applet para Gnome Flashback y una extensión para Gnome Shell, permitiendo su uso desde estos escritorios.
Repositorio GIT
Paquete para Debian sid 64bit (236 Kbytes)
Paquete para Debian sid 32bit (249 Kbytes)
Paquete para Ubuntu xenial 64bit (238 Kbytes)
Paquete para Ubuntu xenial 32bit (253 Kbytes)
Paquete para fedora24 64bit (288 Kbytes)
Paquete para fedora24 32bit (303 Kbytes)
Paquete para Arch Linux 64bit (220 Kbytes)
Historia de versiones
- version 1.13.1 (2018/06/07)
- Now compiles again in debian 32bit
- Now supports Zeitgeist 2.0
- version 1.13.0 (2018/06/07)
- Now compiles again
- version 1.12.0 (2016/09/25)
- Added support for Mate Desktop (thanks to XRevan86)
- Added dependencies for needed icons
- Now tries to not use legacy icon names
- version 1.11.3 (2016/09/20)
- Allows to disable building the gnome-panel applet (useful for fedora users)
- version 1.11.2 (2016/09/19)
- Fixed packages
- version 1.11.1 (2016/08/07)
- New packages for Fedora 24
- version 1.11.0 (2016/07/17)
- Allows to change the font and icon size, and has better autosizing
- version 1.10.1 (2016/03/30)
- Added compatibility with Gnome 3.20
- version 1.10.0 (2016/01/06)
- Fixes a bug when moving the launcher to the bottom part
- version 1.9.0 (2016/01/05)
- Allows to move the launcher to the bottom part of the screen
- version 1.8.0 (2015/12/23)
- Now ensures that the cathegories width is constant
- Now the size doesn't change when the screen resolution changes (example: after launching a game)
- version 1.7.0 (2015/12/11)
- Now uses only DBus for both activating and pre-launching panther launcher from applet and extension
- version 1.6.0 (2015/12/09)
- Fixed translations in Debian and Ubuntu
- Gnome flashback applet now is translated
- Added last patches from upstream Slingshot
- version 1.5.0 (2015/12/06)
- Added DBus remote control and DBus activation support
- Gnome Shell extension now uses DBus to show the menu
- Applet for gnome-panel (gnome flashback) now uses DBus to show the menu
- version 1.4.0 (2015/11/22)
- Now Zeitgeist is really fully optional
- Now also installs the applet for gnome flashback
- version 1.3.0 (2015/10/18)
- Added a frame around the launcher to better visually delimite it
- version 1.2.0 (2015/10/17)
- It closes when pressing ESCAPE key
- Can be launched with <Super>+q (editable with dconf-editor)
- version 1.1.3 (2015/10/13)
- Removed dependency from Zeitgeist (now is fully optional)
- version 1.1.2 (2015/10/13)
- Updated gnome shell extension for gnome shell 3.18
- version 1.1.1 (2015/09/24)
- Updated text in Shell extension
- version 1.1.0 (2015/09/23)
- Now installs the Gnome Shell extension system wide, allowing to put it in the packages
- version 1.0.0 (2015/08/15)
- First public version