Escape from M.O.N.J.A.S.

Current version: 1.6

Escape from M.O.N.J.A.S. is a graphic adventure for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. You work in the M.O.N.J.A.S.-type Epsylon 9 space station, but you are tired of it and want to live big adventures outside. Available in spanish and english.
GIT Repository
monjas_1.6_spanish.tap (47 Kbytes)
monjas_1.6_english.tap (47 Kbytes)
Play english version in your browser
Play spanish version in your browser
History of versions
- version 1.6 (2021/05/01)
- Fixed typo (cristal -> crystal)
- version 1.5 (2021/04/15)
- Now it uses Sinclair joystick instead of cursors
- version 1.4 (2021/04/11)
- Now it can work in "Classic 128K machines" in 128K mode.
- Now it uses port $1D for the kepston joystick.
- version 1.3 (2021/04/10)
- Fixed artifacts when going up at the right border of the void
- version 1.2 (2021/04/10)
- Fixed bug when returning from GIVE command without giving an object
- version 1.1 (2021/04/10)
- Fixed typo (ussual -> usual)
- version 1.0 (2021/04/10)
- First public version