
Versión actual: 0.13

ZXSpriter es un editor que permite crear sprites para el Sinclair Spectrum, y exportarlos en formato ensamblador para integrarlos fácilmente con el código propio. Permite añadir máscaras de transparencia y atributos de colores para cada sprite si se desea. Fácil de usar, y no requiere instalación.
Repositorio GIT
Historia de versiones
- version 0.13 (2021/03/02)
- Fixed "Add row"
- Now stores the map correctly after resizing it
- Now stores EQU values for the tiles indexes
- version 0.12 (2021/02/27)
- Now COPY and PASTE work on masks too
- Allows to paint a grid over the map
- version 0.11 (2021/02/20)
- Added map editor
- Now can open files from command line
- Use Control instead of Shift in everything except lines
- Shift+Ctrl+Z works as REDO
- version 0.10 (2021/01/26)
- Now each sprite remembers its fill percentage
- Now, when painting lines, uses the same color than the one used to select the origin,
- Allow to do Copy&Paste of blocks
- Now is shown right in taskbars and docks
- version 0.9 (2021/01/22)
- Added installer
- version 0.8 (2021/01/18)
- Allows to use dithering for fill and paint
- Allows to scroll the color attributes
- Now passing from an sprite with mask to another without mask switches to "show pixels"
- version 0.7 (2021/01/17)
- Allows to use Ctrl+Z for undo and Ctrl+Y for redo
- version 0.6 (2021/01/15)
- Now doesn't fail when reading version 2 file format
- Allows the copy the current attributes from a sprite to the controls
- Now asks when trying to close the program without having saved the sprites
- version 0.5 (2021/01/14)
- Changed the size format (but can load old files)
- version 0.4 (2021/01/12)
- Allows to store the color attributes interleaved with the pixel data
- Allows to create the mask without leaving a border between the mask and the sprite
- Keeps the current colors when showing transparency
- version 0.3 (2021/01/10)
- Maximum size set to 8x8 characters
- Also sets flags to know if it has mask and/or attributes
- version 0.2 (2021/01/10)
- Remembers the load path and the last files used
- Adds a label pointing to the color attributes of each sprite
- Now remembers the zoom value and the default settings for a new sprite
- version 0.1 (2021/01/09)
- first public version