
Current version: 0.13

ZXSpriter is an editor that allows to create sprites for the Sinclair Spectrum, and export them in assembly format to integrate them easily with own code. It allows to add transparency masks and color attributes in each sprite if desired. It is easy to use, and doesn't require installation.
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History of versions
- version 0.13 (2021/03/02)
- Fixed "Add row"
- Now stores the map correctly after resizing it
- Now stores EQU values for the tiles indexes
- version 0.12 (2021/02/27)
- Now COPY and PASTE work on masks too
- Allows to paint a grid over the map
- version 0.11 (2021/02/20)
- Added map editor
- Now can open files from command line
- Use Control instead of Shift in everything except lines
- Shift+Ctrl+Z works as REDO
- version 0.10 (2021/01/26)
- Now each sprite remembers its fill percentage
- Now, when painting lines, uses the same color than the one used to select the origin,
- Allow to do Copy&Paste of blocks
- Now is shown right in taskbars and docks
- version 0.9 (2021/01/22)
- Added installer
- version 0.8 (2021/01/18)
- Allows to use dithering for fill and paint
- Allows to scroll the color attributes
- Now passing from an sprite with mask to another without mask switches to "show pixels"
- version 0.7 (2021/01/17)
- Allows to use Ctrl+Z for undo and Ctrl+Y for redo
- version 0.6 (2021/01/15)
- Now doesn't fail when reading version 2 file format
- Allows the copy the current attributes from a sprite to the controls
- Now asks when trying to close the program without having saved the sprites
- version 0.5 (2021/01/14)
- Changed the size format (but can load old files)
- version 0.4 (2021/01/12)
- Allows to store the color attributes interleaved with the pixel data
- Allows to create the mask without leaving a border between the mask and the sprite
- Keeps the current colors when showing transparency
- version 0.3 (2021/01/10)
- Maximum size set to 8x8 characters
- Also sets flags to know if it has mask and/or attributes
- version 0.2 (2021/01/10)
- Remembers the load path and the last files used
- Adds a label pointing to the color attributes of each sprite
- Now remembers the zoom value and the default settings for a new sprite
- version 0.1 (2021/01/09)
- first public version